Information Information お知らせ > Information Certificates of appreciation presented for endowed lectures in Aizu IT Nisshinkan Basic Knowledge Course on Staring Up Ventures 2015.07.13 OpenRTM (Robotic Technology Middleware) Meeting Held 2015.07.02 University of Aizu team places 8th at the 40th ACM-ICPC Japan Contest Activities 2015.07.02 Aizu General Scholarship Conferment Ceremony Held 2015.06.30 ARC-Space and Open University of Japan hold joint seminar Studies and Collaborations 2015.06.25 UoA student won the IEEE VTS Japan Chapter's Young Researcher's Encouragement Award 2015.05.26 UoA student-led Team Won The Excellence Prize At The Sendai qualifier Of SPAJAM 2015 2015.05.19 Lunchtime Meeting with Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Faculty and Staff Members Held 2015.04.30 UoA Students Participate in Nakagoya's 2nd Annual Kogane Matsuri, "Amur Adonis Festival" 2015.04.30 UoA Faculty Members Receive Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology for AY2015 2015.04.24 ? 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 ?
Certificates of appreciation presented for endowed lectures in Aizu IT Nisshinkan Basic Knowledge Course on Staring Up Ventures 2015.07.13
UoA Faculty Members Receive Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology for AY2015 2015.04.24