The School of Computer Science and Engineering is inviting applications for tenure-track faculty positions at all ranks. (XR [Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, Extended Reality, Metaverse Technology, and related areas])
2023.07.13 Recruitment -
The School of Computer Science and Engineering is inviting applications for tenure-track faculty positions at all ranks (Software Engineering)
2023.07.13 Recruitment -
The University of Aizu Jointly Acquires Patent with Aizu Computer Science Laboratories, Inc.
2023.07.11 Studies and Collaborations -
Launch of Training Program in Tunisia for JICA Grassroots Technical Cooperation Project "Project Model Development of ICT Start-up Human Resource Development for Youth, Women"
2023.07.03 International ExchangeStudies and Collaborations -
Ceremony Held to Sign the Mamoramdam of Understanding with the University of Carthage
2023.07.03 International ExchangeStudies and Collaborations -
International talk "Let’s learn about USA online!" was held!
2023.07.03 International Exchange -
Logo for the 30th Anniversary of the University of Aizu Created
2023.06.30 News Release -
Senior Associate Professor WATANOBE Yutaka Receives the Excellent Educator Award from the Information Processing Society of Japan
2023.06.22 AwardsStudies and Collaborations