February 17, 2020

The School of Computer Science and Engineering is inviting applications for tenure-track faculty positions at all ranks.

The University of Aizu is seeking outstanding and innovative persons in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) fields from academia and industry. The School of Computer Science and Engineering invites applications for faculty positions at all ranks. Faculty should be able to teach undergraduate and graduate courses and conduct research in the CSE area. Applicants should also have a strong interest in working with other faculty members and promoting University-Industry relations through cooperative research projects and other activities. Applicants with teaching experience preferred. Experience in practical research applications is also highly evaluated.


Three-year tenure-track appointment followed by evaluation and tenure until the mandatory retirement age of 65 if qualified.

Duty hours: 7 h 45 min/day, 38 h 45 min/week. (*The UoA uses a discretionary working hour system for faculty members. As discretionary workers, faculty are in principle given discretion to the start and end of their work day, the content of their teaching and research duties, the methods for carrying out those duties, and the allocation of time related to those duties.)

Salary and rank: Commensurate with qualifications and experience according to regulations of Fukushima prefecture.

??*Annual salary (*1, *2) and rank:

  • Professor: approx. 6,500,000 - 8,000,000 yen
  • Senior Associate Professor: approx. 5,500,000 - 7,500,000 yen
  • Associate Professor: approx. 5,000,000 - 7,000,000 yen

??(*1) Other allowances are paid addition to the base salary.

??(*2) Social security premiums, taxes, etc. will be deducted from the salary.

Holidays: Saturday, Sunday, National holidays, and Year-end and New Year holidays (Dec. 29 to Jan. 3)

Insurance: Japan Mutual Aid Association of Public School Teachers

In addition, both pension and severance payment systems are in place.

A faculty housing is located about 2.5 km from the university.

Normal employment starting date is October 1, 2020 or April 1, 2021, but this is negotiable.

Submission Package:

Item Note
1. Cover letter
2. Curriculum Vitae (Use the specified template)

Download Curriculum Vitae Template

[ PDF] [ Word]

3. Copies of your three best published papers

Three current letters of recommendation and contact information for referees

Please submit letters of recommendation in one of the following ways.

  • Applicant makes each letter of recommendation (with recommender's autograph or seal) into an electronic file, and send all the documents together.


  • Each recommender sends an electronic file directly to the application mail address below.
5. Copies of university diplomas
6. URLs or other supporting materials, including a list of possible courses to teach with brief syllabi
7. Categories you would like to apply: (CSE-1), (CSE-2), (CSE-3), or (CSE-4) Refer to Research fields for recruiting

All documents should be submitted electronically to cse-position[at]u-aizu.ac.jp

Submission deadline:

May 17, Sunday, 2020

Application address:

Prof. OKUDAIRA Kyoko

Office for Planning and Management

University of Aizu

Aizuwakamatsu, Fukushima 965-8580


E-mail: cse-position[at]u-aizu.ac.jp

Qualifications for all fields:

  1. Ph.D. or equivalent in Computer Science and Engineering or a closely related area. Doctoral students who are close to graduation may apply, but the degree is required by the start of employment.
  2. Ability to lecture and provide research guidance at undergraduate and graduate levels.
  3. Full fluency in English or Japanese is required. In addition, a working knowledge of the 2nd other languages as Japanese/English is desirable. Classes may be conducted either in English or in Japanese at the undergraduate level. The language of instruction at the graduate level is English in principle.

Required expertise in research and education for different fields:

Please select one or two categories ((CSE-1), (CSE-2), (CSE-3), or (CSE-4)) from below that you would like to apply. We are searching for a new faculty who has research and teaching experiences in the topics given below. Successful candidates are expected to contribute to all academic aspects of the university, including teaching, supervision of undergraduate and graduate students, serving on administrative and management committees, and conducting research.

Research fields for recruiting:

Category Field Descriptions
CSE-1 Software Engineering fields
  • Constitution method of large-scale software
  • Verification Method (including automatic generation of test pattern, formal verification, etc.)
  • IDE for software development
CSE-2 Media processing fields
  • Those who are investigating achievement method of advanced and high speed media processing
  • Those who are familiar with media communication field
  • Those who are familiar with hardware design for media processing (Media processing LSI design experiences are preferable)
  • Those who have an interest in applied fields such as AI, Robotics, Connected Car, Automatic-Driving, Natural language processing, Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Human interface, Multi-media retrieval, and capable of group work
  • Those who can teach related courses like computer architecture, logic circuit design, and signal processing
CSE-3 Applied mathematics fields
  • Researchers who are trying to solve specific problems based on mathematics

In particular, those who are interested in the following fields, possibly conduct joint research with our faculty members: Cryptography, Secret sharing, Image processing, Meteorology, AI, and Big data processing

  • Those who can teach courses in mathematics, and teacher training courses (High-school teacher's license preferred)
  • Those who can take preparation of examination-paper of Math
  • Those who can conduct joint research such as Artificial Intelligence or probability statistics from the engineering aspect
  • Those who have English ability to communicate with foreign faculty members (account for more than 40 %) and foreign students
CSE-4 Artificial Intelligence fields in a broad sense

Basic and applied areas like the following

  • Deep Learning
  • Recognition (Images, Voice/Speech, Environment, Action/Human behavior, ...)
  • Cognitive psychology
  • Cybernetics
  • Robotics, Connected Car, Automatic-Driving, etc. as applied fields

Selection process:

Primary selection: documentary evaluation

Candidates will be informed by e-mail after the primary selection

Secondary selection: job interview and presentation