リュウ ヨン LIU Yong
- 所属
- コンピュータ理工学科/コンピュータ?サイエンス部門
- 職位
- 教授、コンピュータ?情報システム学専攻長
- yliu@u-aizu.ac.jp
- 担当科目 - 大学
- Computer ArchitectureOperating Systems
- 担当科目 - 大学院
- Nature Inspired DesignPattern Recognition and Machine Learning
- 研究分野
Computational intelligence
- 略歴
- 1993: Ph.D., Department of Computer Science, Wuhan University, China 1999: Ph.D., School of Computer Science, University College, the University of New South Wales, Australia 1994 to 1996: Lecturer, Wuhan University, China 1999 to 2000: Research Fellow, AIST Tsukuba, Japan 2000 to present: Senior Associate Professor, the University of Aizu
- 現在の研究課題
- Neural network ensemble learning
- 研究内容キーワード
- Optimization and statistical learning
- 所属学会
- 趣味
- 映画鑑賞、小説を読む
- 子供時代の夢
- 数学者になること
- これからの目標
- 人類に近い人工知能の作成
- 座右の銘
- 限界を超えろ
- 愛読書
- 『三国志』
- 学生へのメッセージ
- 積極的に授業に参加しましょう
1. Y. Liu, Q. Zhao, and Y. Pei, From Low Negative Correlation Learning to High Negative Correlation Learning, the Proceedings of the 2014 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2014), IEEE Press, referee reading, 171?174(2014).
2. Y. Liu, Q. Zhao, and N. Yen, Transition Learning between Balanced Ensemble Learning and Negative Correlation Learning, the Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC 2013), IEEE Press, 2647-2650(2013).
3. Y. Liu, Balanced Ensemble Learning between Known and Unknown Data, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer, Vol.316,381-388( 2012).
4. Y. Liu, New Discoveries in Fast Evolutionary Programming, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Vol.7, No.4, 2881-2896(2011).
5. Y. Liu, X. Yao, and T. Higuchi, Evolutionary ensembles with negative correlation learning, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 4(4):380-387, 2000.
6. Y. Liu and X. Yao, Simultaneous training of negatively correlated neural networks in an ensemble, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics, 29B(6), pp.716-725, 1999
7. Y. Liu and X. Yao, Ensemble learning via negative correlation, Neural Networks, 12, pp.1399-1404, 1999.