白 寅天

PAIK Incheon

Professor, Dean of Computer Science and Engineering

Department of Computer Science and Engineering/Division of Information Systems
Professor, Dean of Computer Science and Engineering
Web site


Courses - Undergraduate
- Java Programming 2- Software Engineering Exercise- SCCP - Factory - Big Data and Situation Awareness
Courses - Graduate
- Advanced Internet Technology- Semantic Web Technologies- Introduction To Big Data Science


Economic statistics
- Semantic Web Services and Composition - Web Data Mining - Awareness Computing - Big Data Science and Infrastructure- Web Security and e-Business
Educational Background, Biography
- Diploma Taejeon High School, Taejeon. - Bachelor Department of Electronics, Korea University - Master Dept. of Electronics (Computer), Graduate School, Korea University - Ph.D Dept. of Electronics, Graduate School, Korea University
Current Research Theme
- Semantic Web Services- Awareness Computing on Big Data Infrastructure- Service Composition on Big Data
Key Topic
- Automatic Service Composition Framework- Global Social Service Network and Its Application- Big Data Mining and Analysis- Geo-Aware Optimal Big Data Infrastructure- Service Composition Framework on Big Data Science
Affiliated Academic Society


- Jogging, Basketball - Reading Books (Bible) and Prayer - Talking with Sincere Topics
School days' Dream
- Scientist
Current Dream
- To have a good personality as like Jesus
- Love God with all heart and Love others as like you.
Favorite Books
- Bible
Messages for Students
- Your life is unique and more important than any others. - Set the highest and most valuable goal that you can decide, try with Your all heart and NEVER give up until it can be realized.

Main research

Service Computing on Big Data

The data explosion in recent years has led to a great rising demand for Big Data processing, and new intelligent approaches as a science are strongly required for discovering more competitive knowledge from the large data. Service Computing is a cross-disciplinary science that encompasses the science and technology of bridging the gap between business and IT services. In my research, key issues for intelligent services based on Big Data Science are studied.


Dissertation and Published Works

- W. Chen, I. Paik, Toward Better Quality of Service Composition Based on Global Social Service Network, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, (DOI: https://authorgateway.ieee.org/ArticleCompleted?doi=10.1109/TPDS.2014.2320748), Accepted