ハマダ モハメド HAMADA Mohamed
- 毅輝親朕 - 寄僥
- 1. Automata and Formal Languages2. Java Programming3. Information Theory4. iOS Programming (SCCP)
- 毅輝親朕 - 寄僥垪
- 1. Computational Models: Term Rewriting Systems2. Formal Languages and Compilers3. Theory of Automata and Languages
- 冩梢蛍勸
1. Artificial Intelligence2. Programming Languages3. Learning Technologies4. e-Learning and (mobile) m-learning
- 待s
- PhD in Computer Science, 廏襖寄僥
- F壓の冩梢n}
- Intelligent Tutoring Systems and Mobile Learning
- 冩梢坪否キ`ワ`ド
- Smart devices application developmentiOS ProgrammingFacial recognition on smart devices
- 侭奉僥氏
- Senior member of IEEE and Senior member of ACM
- 箸龍
- i、スポ`ツ
- 僥伏へのメッセ`ジ
- あなた徭附であれ、徭蛍の嬬薦に彰吭をBいましょう、適薦しましょう。
- スマ`トマルチメディア僥フレ`ムワ`クとクラウドベ`スのg廾
云冩梢では恷仟の枠極室gを旋喘して、クラウドh廠での eラ`ニングおよびモバイルラ`ニングシステムのフレ`ムワ`ク_kを朕議としている。醤悶議にはスマ`トフォンやタブレットなどのスマ`トデバイス室g、J^アルゴリズムなどの繁垢岑嬬室g、マルチメディア室gなどを喘いて、枠M議なラ`ニングシステムの_kをMめている。
* (Book) Mohamed Hamada (Editor), Active and Collaborative Learning: Practices, Problems and Prospects, ISBN: 978-1-62948-066-4, Nova Science Publishing, to appear in 2014.
* (Book) Mohamed Hamada (Editor), E-Learning: New Technology, Applications and Future Trends, ISBN: 978-1-62618-961-4, Nova Science Publishing 2013.
* Mohamed Hamada, Turing Machine and Automata Simulators. Elsevier Procedia Computer Science. Vol. 18, 2013, pp. 1466-1474, Elsevier 2013.
* Hazem E. and M. Hamada, Adaptive E-Learning for Data Encoding and Computer Networks Based on Learner's Style. International Journal of Computer Networks and Security, Recent Science Publisher. Vol. 22, No. 12, pp. 333-342, 2013.
* M. Hamada and T. Mitsui, A Mobile-based Multimedia System for Learning Japanese, ACM MoMM 2013, Dec. 2013.
* K. Oyibo and M. Hamada, A Framework for Instantiating Native Mobile Multimedia Learning Applications on Android Platform, ACM MoMM 2013, Dec. 2013.
* Mohamed Hamada and Kosuke Nishikawa, A Study of a Learning Style Index to Support Intelligent and Adaptive Learning Systems, In "Intelligent and Adaptive Educational-Learning Systems, Vol. 17, No. XII, pp. 109-132, Springer-Verlag, 2012.
* Mohamed Hamada and Sayota Sato, A Learning System for a Computational Science Related Topic. Elsevier Procedia Computer Science Vol. 9. 2012, pp. 1763-1772, Elsevier 2012.
* Mohamed Hamada, An Integrated Virtual Environment for Active and Collaborative e-Learning in Theory of Computation. In the IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 1-14, 2008.