- Courses - Undergraduate
- Intermediate English 3, 4; Thesis Writing and Presentation; Global Experience Gateway; Reading Fluency; Structure of English sentences; Analysis of English Sentence Structure
- Courses - Graduate
- Specialization
Applied Linguistics (L2 speaking, Assessment), Phonology
- Educational Background, Biography
MA and Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
BA from Tsuda College
- Current Research Theme
- 1. Development of L2 speaking2. Non-communicative training for L2 speaking3. Language testing 4. Phonology (L2 phonology, Aizu dialect)
- Key Topic
- L2 speaking, speaking assessment, L2 pronunciation, Aizu dialect
- Affiliated Academic Society
- Japan Language Testing Association (JLTA),Japan Association of College English Teachers (JACET),American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL),Japan Association for English Corpus Studies (JAECS),Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Professional Communication Society
- Hobbies
- Taiko drums
- School days' Dream
- To be a regular housewife
- Current Dream
- To do decent research and publish it
Main research
- Articulatory and Acoustic Phonetics
Our research focus is on speech production and second-language acquisition of pronunciation. Experimental phonetics - both articulatory and acoustic phonetics - underlies most of our work and we specialize in using ultrasound as a tool to view and measure the tongue during speech. More specific research interests currently include Articulatory Settings (as seen through inter-speech rest posture) in monolinguals and bilinguals, as well as phonetic and phonological issues involved in learning to pronounce a second language. We are also interested in the Aizu dialect of Japanese, and we have recorded and analyzed many audio samples of this dialect.
Dissertation and Published Works
1. Kaneko, E., Heo, Y. and Lee, A. (2018) Verb-Noun Collocations in L2 Writing in an English-Medium Instruction Program, Proceedings of Second Language Research Forum 2017 (SLRF 2017), Columbus, Ohio, (accepted).
2. Kaneko, E., Park, M., Wilson, I., Roy, D., Heo, Y., Yasuta, T., Blake, J. and Nicholas, A. (2018) Task-based English Curriculum Innovation for Computer Science Majors in Japan, Proceedings of Task-Based Learning and Teaching in Asia (TBLT in Asia 2018), Kyoto, Japan (accepted)
3.Kaneko, E., Park, M., Wilson, I., Roy, D., Heo, Y., Yasuta, T., Blake, J. and Nicholas, A. (2018) English Curriculum Innovation for Computer Science Majors in the Japanese EFL Context: From Needs to Tasks, Proceedings of IEEE International Professional Communication Conference (ProComm2018), Toronto, Canada (in press).
4. Kaneko, E. (2017) Report on Content-based Flipped English Class (in Japanese), Proceedings of the Japan Association for Language Education and Technology (LET) 57th National Conference (pp. 48-49), Nagoya, Japan.
5. Kaneko, E. and Hirai, A.(2017) Elicited imitation as oral practice in relative clause production, Proceedings of the Pacific Second Language Research Forum 2016 (PacSLRF2016) (pp. 99-104), Tokyo, Japan.
6. Hirokawa, S., Flanagan, B., Kaneko, E., and Izumi, E. (2016) Identification of speaking level with machine learning and feature selection (in Japanese)(機械学習と属性撰択によるスピーキングレベルの識別). Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of Association for Natural Language Processing (『言語処理学会 第22回年次大会 発表論文集』)(pp. 785-788), Miyagi, Japan