Associate Professor
- Affiliation
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering/Division of Computer Science
- Title
- Associate Professor
- fujimoto@u-aizu.ac.jp
- Courses - Undergraduate
- FU15 Introduction to Data Management [SR] [ex]
LI01 Computer Literacy [SR] [TGU]
MA03 Calculus I [SR] [Re-take]
- Courses - Graduate
- CSC08A Numerical Modeling and Simulations
- Specialization
Computational science
Astronomy, Astrophysics, Numerical simulations
- Educational Background, Biography
2022 - present: Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Aizu
2019 - 2021: Carnegie Postdoctoral Fellow, Earth and Planets Laboratory, Carnegie Institution for Science, USA
2018: Visiting researcher, Centre for Astronomy of Heidelberg University, Germany
2016 - 2019: Postdoctoral Researcher, Research School of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Australian National University
2015 - 2016: JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) Research Fellow (DC2 Category)
2013 - 2015: Visiting student, Department of Astronomy, Columbia University, USA
2011 - 2016: Doctor of Philosophy (Science), Department of Cosmosciences, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University
2007 - 2011: Bachelor of Science (Physics), Department of Physics, School of Science, Hokkaido University
- Current Research Theme
- I am working in the fields of astrophysics, galactic astronomy, and Earth and planetary science, through large-scale numerical simulations using high-performance supercomputers. Specifically, while focusing on galaxy simulations and its code development for calculating the hydrodynamics of interstellar medium and the N-body gravitational systems of stars, I also actively collaborate with research groups in various fields internationally, including astronomical multi-wavelength observations and material analysis in Earth and planetary science such as meteoritics and geology.
- Key Topic
- Galaxy (Milky-Way), interstellar medium, molecular cloud, star formation, Solar system
- Affiliated Academic Society
- The Astronomical Society of Japan
- Hobbies
- Jogging
- School days' Dream
- Astronomer
- Current Dream
- Understand the 4.6 billion years history of the Solar system in the Galaxy
- Motto
- Rome was not built in a day
- Favorite Books
- arXiv: astro-ph
- Messages for Students
- Enjoy your research!
Dissertation and Published Works
Fujimoto, Y., Inutsuka, S.-i., and Baba, J. (2023)
Efficient radial migration by giant molecular clouds in the first several hundred Myr after the stellar birth
MNRAS, 523(2):3049–3068
Desch, S. J., Young, E. D., Dunham, E. T., Fujimoto, Y., and Dunlap, D. R. (2023)
Short-Lived Radionuclides in Meteorites and the Sun's Birth Environment
A review chapter to Protostars and Planets VII, ASP Conference Series, Vol. 534
Fujimoto, Y., Krumholz, M. R., Inutsuka, S.-i., Boss, A. P., and Nittler, L. R. (2020)
Formation and evolution of the local interstellar environment: combined constraints from nucleosynthetic and X-ray data
MNRAS, 498(4):5532–5540
Fujimoto, Y., Krumholz, M. R., and Inutsuka, S.-i. (2020)
Distribution and kinematics of 26Al in the Galactic disc
MNRAS, 497(2):2442–2454
Fujimoto, Y., Maeda, F., Habe, A., and Ohta, K. (2020)
Fast cloud-cloud collisions in a strongly barred galaxy: suppression of massive star formation
MNRAS, 494(2):2131–2146
Fujimoto, Y., Chevance, M., Haydon, D. T., Krumholz, M. R., and Kruijssen, J. M. D. (2019)
A fundamental test for stellar feedback recipes in galaxy simulations
MNRAS, 487(2):1717–1728
Fujimoto, Y., Krumholz, M. R., and Tachibana, S. (2018)
Short-lived radioisotopes in meteorites from Galactic-scale correlated star formation
MNRAS, 480(3):4025–4039
Fujimoto, Y., Bryan, G. L., Tasker, E. J., Habe, A., and Simpson, C. M. (2016)
GMC evolution in a barred spiral galaxy with star formation and thermal feedback
MNRAS, 461(2):1684–1700
Fujimoto, Y., Tasker, E. J., and Habe, A. (2014)
Environmental dependence of star formation induced by cloud collisions in a barred galaxy
MNRAS, 445:L65–L69
Fujimoto, Y., Tasker, E. J., Wakayama, M., and Habe, A. (2014)
Do giant molecular clouds care about the galactic structure?
MNRAS, 439(1):936–953