森谷 駿二 MORIYA Shunji
- 担当科目 - 大学
- 担当科目 - 大学院
- 研究分野
- 数学 (代数トポロジー)
- 略歴
- 2010 博士 (理学) (京都大学)
- 現在の研究課題
- 結び目の空間のホモトピー論
- 研究内容キーワード
- 所属学会
1) Syunji Moriya, “Rational homotopy theory and differential graded category”, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, Elsevier, Vol. 214, no.4, pp. 422-439, 2010.
2) Syunji Moriya, “The de Rham homotopy theory and differential graded category”, Mathematische Zeitschrift, Springer, Vol. 271, no.3-4,pp. 961-1010, 2012.
3) Syunji Moriya, “Multiplicative formality of operads and Sinha’s spectral sequence for long knots”, Kyoto Journal of Mathematics, Duke University Press, Vol. 55, no.1, pp.17-27, 2015.
4) Syunji Moriya, Keiichi Sakai, “The space of short ropes and the classifying space of the space of long knots”, Algebraic & Geometric Topology,Mathematical Science Publishers, Vol.18 no.5, pp.2859-2873, 2018.
5) Syunji Moriya, “Non-formality of the odd dimensional little balls operads”, International Mathematics Research Notices, Oxford University Press, Vol. 2019, no.2, pp.625-639, 2019.,1) Syunji Moriya,“Models for knot spaces and Atiyah duality”, Algebraic & Geometric Topology,Mathematical Science Publishers, Vol.24, no.1, pp.183-250, 2024.
2) Syunji Moriya, “Sinha’s spectral sequence for long knots in codimension one and the non-formality of the little 2-disks operad”, The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, Oxford University Press, to appear, 2024.