Computer modeling of cardiac electrical phenomena


Our team at the University of Aizu is studying the heart's electrical activity using a simple harmonic motion model of the heart. We are studying arrhythmia and chaos mechanisms in the heart. The non-linear dynamics model of our heart is capable of reproducing heart signaling system behavior for regular and irregular states. You can join us in possibly making many interesting discoveries as we study the heart's electrical activity using computer simulations.

Our model enables simulations of the workings of the heart's conducting system as oscillators linked mutually which include vibrating pacemaker cells and excitatory muscles.

We are researching the following topics:

  • Different types of pacemaker cells and cardiac muscles;

  • Cardiac disease;

  • Artificial heart pacemakers;

  • The impact of external stimuli on heartbeats

We are developing a system that incorporates a mounted FPGA (a heart-on-a-chip) that is quick for assessments, comparatively simple, and that can perform calculations efficiently, in closed-loop systems and software and hardware tests for pacemakers and defibrillators (ICDs) using this model.