
About the Aizu Research Center & Cluster Introduction & Cluster Introduction & Cluster Introduction for Space Informatics (ARC-Space)

ARC-Space was designated as a joint usage / Research Center & Cluster Introduction & Cluster Introduction & Cluster Introduction (the Center for Lunar and Planetary Exploration Archive Science) by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) in April 2019. Following the designation, the former ARC-Space (Aizu Research Cluster for Space Science) was reorganized from one of the subordinate organizations of the Center for Advanced Information Science and Technology (CAIST) into the current Aizu Research Center & Cluster Introduction & Cluster Introduction & Cluster Introduction for Space Informatics (ARC-Space), an independent Research Center & Cluster Introduction & Cluster Introduction & Cluster Introduction. The center will conduct research that leverages data accumulated in previous research on and observation of lunar and planetary probes in the field of space informatics, which integrates space and planetary science with informatics, in collaboration with other organizations such as JAXA and ICT enterprises. The center will provide its research achievements in the form of new value added data and software to scientific communities including the Japanese Society for Planetary Sciences. By doing so, the center will contribute to uncovering the origins and evolution of celestial objects in the solar system.

ARC-Space Organization Chart

ARC-Space Organization Chart

Steering Committee

External Members

Instutute of Space and Astronautical Science, JAXA,
Deputy Director General
Masaki Fujimoto
Instutute of Space and Astronautical Science, JAXA,
Program Director
Yoshifumi Saito
Faculty of Science, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University,
Kiyoshi Kuramoto
Graduate School, Kyoto Tachibana University
Hitoshi Matsubara
chair of The Japanese Society for Planetary Sciences,National Institutes of Natural Sciences,National Astronomical Observatory of Japan,
Noriyuki Namiki
NICT Knowledge Hub, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology,
Research Supervisor ,Knowledge Hub Director
Yasuhiro Murayama

Internal Members

the University of Aizu, Regent PAIK Incheon
the University of Aizu, Vice Chairperson of the Board of Executives Jiro Iwase
the University of Aizu, Division of Information Systems Head of the Division NARUSE Keitaro
the University of Aizu, Director of CAIST NAKAMURA Akihito
the University of Aizu, Director of ARC-Space Hirohide Demura
the University of Aizu, Visiting Professor
National Astronomical Observatory of Janan, chairperson
Junichi Watanabe

Proposal Solicitation and Selection Committee

The committee is confidential and not open to public.